
Thursday, April 4, 2019

Digi Awards!

Hello, Today I will be talking about my Digi awards, all the students in the kaupeka hub have made a digital slide show, stop motion, animation, and many more, Me and my Buddy (Katrina) Have made an animation on google slides and have put it on We Video to edit, we have added background music, effects, and more, I have really enjoyed doing this I thought it was really fun but the next part is presenting it.. i'm kinda nervous but excited, I am really proud of what we did Oh almost forgot to tell you what it's about! all the students have the same driving question including me the question is "What is Greatness?" We also added "What is a Great Learner?" "What is a Great Leader?" And "What Makes a Great Person?" We think Greatness is about giving your best and taking action to succeed, there is no other meaning behind it. Everyone can be great, we just need to take action and find it in us,
if you want to see our animation and see what a Great Leaner, A Great Leader, A Great Person, And a Great Leaner, I'll hope to see you there fellow students and parents, if you had to make a Digi awards Greatness presentation what would you do?