
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Writing Task W5 T2

During Quarantine in my writing WS (Workshop) we had to write a short narrative with about 250-300 words in it, it had to be about an image we chose from the selection, I chose the image called the Mirror, it was a girl in a attic touching a mirror and it looked like it was rippling, I chose this because I thought of all the opportunities I could have done with this and the cool story I could have created, here's the link if you would like to read it.

Writing Task W7 T2

During online learning we had to create a short poem for our writing WS, I chose to do a octopoem, which is a short poem with 8 lines, I wrote mine about my cat Tommy, (It only has 7 lines but I'm sure that's fine.) Here's what it looks like.

Writing Task

In Quarantine for my writing task we had to get a paragraph off our reports about a worthy New Zealander and use different punctuation, spelling, and organisation to change it up and make it sound more interesting, we had to do this on a DLO (Digital Learning object) Here's what I did.

Reading Task

This week in my Reading WS (Workshop) We had to choose a text from the selection the teacher gave us and make a DLO and point out the important parts of the text where the Author used precise language to make the text stand out more for example instead of using the word run they would replace it with sprint or bolt, we also had to point out some senses they used in the text like sight, smell, feel, and areas where we could picture what the author was saying in the text like show not tell, here's what my DLO looks like.

Math Task

This week in my Math WS (Workshop) we did doubling and halving and make a DLO explaining the rules of how to use doubling and halving with multiplication, division, and decimals, here's what mine looks like.

Reading Task

In Quarantine for my reading WS (Workshop) we had to choose a book to read from the selection the teachers gave us and write our predictions before we read the text, our predictions while we read the text and examples / proof from the text, here's a link to my google drawing where I gathered my information, and my google slide where I put it all together.

Writing Task

In Quarantine in my writing WS (Workshop) we learnt about K Sounds, Y endings and Contractions, we made a DLO to display our learning and write the rules for each sound and some examples, here's what mine looks like.


Reading Task

In Quarantine we had to read two books called "Fake Facts" and "For the Record" and we had to make a info graph about both books, first we gathered information on a template then got to work on the info graph, here are my templates where I gathered my information from both the books.

Fake Facts

For the Record

Here is my Info graphic I made on google drawings: