*+. Market Day .+*
Hello.. Hi.. Hey.. On Week 8 There is going to be a market at our school, everyone has crafted some wonderful things to sell at their stall, some people have made lip scrubs, bath bombs, fizzy bath salts, and Many many more items that I don't have the time to write down all of that stuff because I would rather be eating pringles right now... but I don't have the money to afford them because I am a child,
enough about food, Wait... food... Ah right! Some people are also selling food, like cupcakes, cookies brownies, and a lot more, Now, I completely forgot to tell you what my group is selling.. Okay whatever we're selling Mini Tea bag rockets (And mini tinfoil rockets) we have already got a few of them in mini boxes ready to be given away to someone who actually wants one
I know what I'm going for first, Obviously I'm going for the Unicorn Nuggets (Cleo, Megan, Lucas, Christopher, Natalie) stand first the're selling some amazing Lip Scrubs they smell and Taste absolutely amazing! and of course you CAN'T forget about the Epic Fat Marshmallow Chubby Ponies (Katrina, Holly, Brent, George, Aleighya), The're selling Beautiful Bath bombs, I can't wait!